Tuesday, 30 October 2012


I recently had the opportunity to watch a DVD released by the Pretoria Branch of Community Pharmacists. The aim of the DVD appears to contribute to efforts in the prevention of substance abuse in South Africa. It quoted statistics released by the United Nations on drug abuse in South Africa. The following will get the attention of any concerned citizen of the country:

In 1995 it was estimated that there were 125 drug syndicates in South Africa. It increased to 438 in 2007 and in 2010 there were more than 700 syndicates in South Africa. Indeed an indication that drugs have a very lucrative income potential. But there is more!

From 1992 to 1995 drug abuse in South Africa increased with 600%. It is estimated that the increase since then rose to 1100%.  It also quoted the following figures –
21% of the population smoke dagga on a regular basis
60% of the dagga users will receive treatment in rehabilitation centres
27% of the population experiment with LSD, Mandrax and Ecstasy
37% of teenagers prefer parties where drugs will be used
42% of teenagers between 15 and 18 years will use heroin
42% of teenagers between 15 and 18 years will use “tik” as drug of preference in the Western Cape.

Even if the above figures were rough estimates, it still paints a bleak picture. One cannot help to ask questions about South Africa’s supply reduction strategies. Can we afford not to have a specialist drug policing unit? If we fail to address the huge increase in the influx of illegal drugs, we might end up like the Columbians and other South American States who are entangled in ongoing battles to protect their demo-cracies and the safety of their citizens.                      

  GHJ Kruger



deur ds. Jannie Smith

“Vertrou altyd op Hom, my volk, stort julle hart voor Hom uit!  God is vir ons ‘n toevlug (62:9).  Psalm 62

Ons leef in bitter onseker tye.  Wat gaan môre bring?  Wat gaan die ekonomie doen?  Gaan ek my werk behou?  Sal my salaris kan byhou by al die prysstygings?  Om in sulke omstandighede op die Here te vertrou is maar moeilik.

Die Psalmdigter het ontdek dat sy lewe soos ‘n muur is wat enige oomblik kan omval.  Daar is vir hom twee moontlikhede:  Hy kan op mense vertrou, of op die Here.  Om in ‘n krisis op mense te vertrou, is ‘n groot waagstuk, want hulle is soos gras wat vinnig vergaan.  As jy ‘n mens op ‘n skaal sit, weeg hy niks (10).  Selfs diefstal, rykdom en geweld sal ‘n mens nie deur krisisse help nie (11).

Daarteenoor is God soos ‘n onbeweeglike rots.  Wie dus op Hom vertrou het stewigheid en stabiliteit in sy of haar lewe – al is die lewe baie onseker.  God is die een vaste punt in ons lewe.  Wanneer alles verbygegaan het – ons gesondheid, geld, of lewe – sal Hy nog daar wees!  Hy is soos ‘n skuiling wanneer die storms van die lewe woed.  Geen probleem is vir Hom te groot of te klein nie.

Soms is dit nodig dat ‘n mens gebreek word.  Eers wanneer jy aan die einde van jouself gekom het, jou eie verganklikheid besef en weet dat jy eintlik maar net ‘n asempie is, ontdek jy wie God is.  Dan kan jy, soos die psalmdigter, rus vind by God (6-9).  Voor die Here kan jy jou bekommerde en moeë hart kom leegmaak.

Mag u in hierdie tyd die vrede van God “wat alle verstand te bowe gaan” ervaar, en mag u hierdie vrede ook leef teenoor elkeen wat met u die pad kruis.

GEBED:  Here God van genade, U is my rots en skuiling. 
Dankie dat niks my van U liefde kan skei nie.

Monday, 1 October 2012


· Co-dependency is a dependency on people, things and behaviour in order to find self-worth, identity and security. It results in an overreaction to things outside yourself and an under reaction to things inside yourself.
· Co-dependency is a loss of the self.
· Co-dependency is a set of behaviours that blocks the development of a relationship with yourself.   

An author on this subject once referred to co-dependency as a human condition, meaning that we all suffer from it to an extent. Some people however develop major problems in this regard.
 Co-dependency often develops in families subjected to emotional pain or where discipline is too harsh and rigid.

 A co-dependent person’s focus is on people and things outside himself and not enough attention is given to the self. This often results in little self knowledge and poor self acceptance. The co-dependant consequently has a very strong need for attention and encouragement from other people, because he fails to give it to himself. Co-dependant people feel empty inside. 

 There is also a strong need to take care of other people while neglecting your own needs. This is often done to compensate for a poor self image and not because the other person needs or require assistance.

 Weak personal boundaries are also a characteristic of co-dependency. This often results in   the co-dependent being taken advantage of and feeling like a victim. Healthy intimacy often lacks because co-dependents don't know themselves well enough and finds it difficult to trust and share. They struggle with feelings of anger, fear and guilt.

 From the above-mentioned it is clear that the co-dependent is searching outside himself for something that is lacking inside himself. Unless this condition is identified and addressed the co-dependent will remain an unhappy and unfulfilled human being. Co-dependency often leads to chemical dependency or other forms of addictive behaviours.

 The following strategies are useful in combating co-dependency:
 · The improvement of self knowledge and getting in touch with who you really are. Feeling your feelings. Learning to like yourself and feel comfortable in your own skin.
·  Improvement of life skills — especially the skills to assert yourself and maintaining appropriate boundaries.
·  Mastering the ability to detach and letting go of past hurts. Learning not to take everything personally and stop trying to control others.

Therapy and/or involvement in an appropriate support group may be necessary in most cases.
 The following are helpful
· Let go and let God
· Live and let live
· Easy does it
· First things first

 A support group for co-dependents meets twice a month at the Aurora Centre. Enquiries: Santie Froneman and Marianna van Dyk.
Tel: 051 — 447 4111.

Poem: You are

You are…….by Russell Kelfer 

You are who you are for a reason
You’re part of an intricate plan
You’re a precious and perfect design
Called God’s special woman or man

You look like you look for a reason
Our God made no mistake
He knit you together within the womb
You’re just what he wanted to make

The parents you had where the ones he chose
And no matter how you feel
They were custom-designed with God’s plan in mind
And they bear the Master’s seal

No, the trauma you faced was not easy
And God wept that it hurt you so
But it was allowed to shape your heart
So that into his likeness you’d grow

You are who you are for a reason
You’re been formed by the Master’s rod
You are who are , beloved
Because there is a God.