Tuesday 22 March 2016

Help SANCA reach their next 60 years

 SANCA turns 60 years old

The South Africa National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence is the largest non-profit organisation in South Africa fighting the war on drugs in collaboration with individuals, families, communities and government departments.  Looking back on the rich history of the organisation, we find an organisation that has grown to 29 treatment centres with 60 service points in the most marginalised and poorest communities in our country. Services have   transformed over the years and have stayed abreast of the latest therapeutic and preventative measures to deal with substance abuse more effectively. In the last 25 years we have come a long way to understand addiction as a brain disease and that treatment methodologies needed to be adapted to ensure a holistic and professional service to our clients. Everyday the brave and courageous social workers, community workers and volunteers are working to break down the negative perceptions, myths and stigma surrounding substance abuse and addiction in the communities. Services include   more than direct assistance, but gives hope and support to substance users and addicts to enable them to return to their families and communities and reclaim the life they were meant to lead. 

The drug problem in our country is estimated to affect over 2 million people according to the Central Drug Authority (CDA) and growing every year. If you ask anyone, if they know someone with another disease like cancer or hypertension or heart disease, it might   be minimal, but everyone knows or know of an addict. New drugs like nyaope, cat and TIK have destroyed people, their families and even whole communities. We daily hear the extremely sad stories of mothers being scared of their own children and living in fear for their lives.  The impact of substance abuse is severe and affects all levels of our society. Nobody escapes the harms of substance abuse and addiction in our country. Drugs don’t ask who you are, where you come from, what colour you are, and what do you do. They affect everyone, destroy and create chaos.  If you have been a victim of crime, the perpetrator was likely under the influence of a substance. It is estimated that between 50% and 80% of crimes were committed whilst under the influence of a drug as confirmed by the Three Metro Study (MRC) and the latest Crime statistics released by the SAPS in 2015. 

Substance abuse has spilled over into our workplaces. The corporate sector is estimated to lose Billions of Rand due to absenteeism, workplace accidents, poor productivity, disciplinary and other labour costs. The involvement of businesses is therefore crucial to financially support prevention campaigns in communities surrounding the areas of operations as future employees are recruited from these areas. 

Your help is needed to ensure that SANCA stays part of our country’s solution to the substance abuse epidemic. In an age where addiction is increasing, it is with alarm and despair that we look at the lack of sustainability of some of the SANCA centres that are facing closure due to insufficient funding for those clients that need it the most, the unemployed non-paying clients. We want to urge you to get involved with SANCA and invest in the future of our youth. You can get involved in a number of ways:

  • Sign a monthly debit order towards our adopt-a-patient campaign by investing in a person’s treatment and giving them a second chance at life;
  • Make a financial contribution towards the emergency rescue fund to sustain SANCA centres across the country;
  • Get involved as a company through either CSI funding towards the their creative preventative programmes they can offer for ECD centres, crèches, primary schools, high schools, out-of-school youth training programmes and many more OR assisting in kind to uplift the facilities as part of team building for your staff OR make use of their services that can reduce the costs of substance abuse in your workplace (workplace policies, professional and discrete drug screenings, HWSETA accredited soft skills training workshops to deal with substance abuse in the workplace and a toll free number to assist you with referrals to treatment centres) ;   
  • Volunteer your time and effort during our awareness campaigns by placing your name on our volunteer list for the Easter campaign, Mandela Day, International Drug Awareness Week in June and other campaigns;
  • Volunteer your knowledge by getting involved with the managing boards of the SANCA centres and be part of their fundraising initiatives.
Payments can be made to SANCA National, ABSA, Auckland Park, Branch code: 632005, Account no: 1130220483. Please add your donation and your name as reference. Any donation no matter the amount is welcome and we would like to thank you in person, so please send us your details with proof of payment to sancanational@telkomsa.net or fax to 011 892-3139.
Contact us on our SANCA Toll Free Number: 086 147 2622 or 011 892-3829 for referral to one of our 29 clinics throughout the country.
Payments can be made to SANCA National, ABSA, Auckland Park, and Branch Code: 632005, Account no: 1130220483. Please add word donation and your name as the reference. Any donation is welcome and they would like to thank you in person, please send proof of payment with your name and contact details via email at sancanational@telkomsa.net or fax to 011 892-3829.
You can contact them on their toll free number 086 147 2622 or on their landline 011 892-3829.  Payments can be made to SANCA National, ABSA, Auckland Park, Branch code: 632005, Account no: 1130220483. Please add your donation and your name as reference. Any donation no matter the amount is welcome and we would like to thank you in person, so please send us your details with proof of payment to sancanational@telkomsa.net or fax to 011 892-3139.
Contact us on our SANCA Toll Free Number: 086 147 2622 or 011 892-3829 for referral to one of our 29 clinics throughout the country.
 #SANCAturns60 #HelpSANCA

Friday 18 March 2016

15 Secrets of Happy Families By Dennis Mann

1. Enjoy each other. 
2. Swap stories. 
3. Put the marriage first.            
 4. Break bread together 
5. Play together.
 6. Put family before friends. 
7. Limit children’s after-school activities. 
8 Build and honor rituals.    
9. Keep your voice down. 
10. Never fight in front of the kids.           
 11. Don’t work too hard 
12. Encourage sibling harmony. 
13. Have private jokes. 
14. Be flexible. 
15. Communicate.