Monday, 26 January 2015



(New Beginnings Aftercare Programme — SANCA National)


The Dangers Of Substituting One Drug For Another

People with substance abuse problems sometime temporarily or permanently substitute other drugs for their primary drug of addiction. While addicts and recovering addicts typically have a number of justifications for their actions — and may even believe that switching from one drug to another is a sign of improvement — drug substitution is not less dangerous than addiction to a single main substance. In fact, it can add further danger by reinforcing the behavioural patterns that underlie drug addiction and other forms of addictions.

Underlying Issues Of Drug Addiction

While addicted individuals may think they only have problems with a single drug, they typically have under-lying thoughts and behaviour that are common to all addicts.  Common thoughts that lead to or support addiction include a belief in drugs as a gateway to greater creativity; a belief in drugs as necessary tools for relaxation or stress relief; a belief in drugs as a salve for various painful emotional states; and a believe in drugs as a way to ease the boredom of everyday life.


Common behaviour that lead to or support addiction include compulsive drug use, preoccupation with drug use-related topics, continuation of drug use despite obvious harmful effects, and neglect of the various aspects of daily life (work, relationships, etc.) that interfere or conflict with drug use. Underlying both addictive thoughts and behaviour is a conscious or unconscious desire to change the basic chemistry of the brain.

How substitution happens

Some addicts and recovering addicts believe that switching from one drug to another proves that they’re not “addicted” at all and can modify their actions whenever they choose. Addicts may also substitute one drug for another in order to stave off the effects of intentional or unintentional drug withdrawal; cycle back and forth between two or more drugs with different specific effects; or use a drug that’s more generally acceptable in their current social circumstances,


More addicts switch there preferred drugs for a combination of those reasons, according to the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers.


In addition, a great number of addicts use multiple drugs simultaneously, or combine the use of a single drug with other forms of addictive behaviour (gambling, compulsive sexual activity, etc.).

Dangerous Consequences

While addicts may believe that substitution frees them from the burdens of addiction, this substitution does nothing to alter the underlying thoughts and behaviour that lead to and support addiction. It also does nothing to alter the urge to alter the brain’s basic functional chemistry.


For these reasons, when an addict switches drugs, he or she merely transfers these underlying problems to a superficially “different” or “new” situation that’s actually business as usual. In fact, since this new situation creates an additional layer of denial or deluded thinking, it can actually be worse than business as usual and ultimately make it more difficult for the addict to truly start the path to recovery. 

In addition to substituting one drug with another, addicts may also try to replace drug use with gambling, compulsive sexual behaviour, binge eating, binge shopping or other addictive behaviour. In most cases, diffe-rent individuals have established degrees of preference for these activities and will bounce back and forth between them as circumstances allow.


During recovery, some addicts also substitute exercise or other typically healthy activities for drug use and treat these activities in the same way they would treat a new drug or other addictive behaviour. In fact, some addicts use these recovery process itself as a substitute for drug use and build up their old habits and patterns around this normally therapeutic settings.

Avoiding Substitution

To avoid the dangers of drug substitution, an addict or recovering addict needs extensive help from addiction specialists or other trained professionals in order to understand and recognize the underlying thought and behavioural patterns associated with addiction. Ongoing help is then needed to create new thoughts and behaviour that replace these patterns and provide a sense of fulfillment that ultimately displaces the addictive cycle.


Typical required steps in this process include detailing the addict’s drug use, creating an in-depth patient history, making sure that the addict and the addict’s family understand the dangers of substitution, and pointing out substances or behaviour that merely continue addiction in another form or setting.

(Please share your thoughts on drug substituting with us)


Working together to optimise Substance Abuse Treatment – “Treatment Works”

The Central Drug Authority held a Substance Abuse Treatment Conference Symposium with the theme
 “Working together to optimise Substance Abuse Treatment – “Treatment Works”
 in Kimberley from 12 – 14 November 2014.


A wide variety of presentations focused on the following:

· Access to services

· Standardised services

· Accreditation of services

· Holistic and Integrated services

· Medical treatment and detoxification

· Aftercare and reintegration programmes

· Accessibility and affordability

· Collaboration amongst stakeholders

· Community Based services

· Improved law enforcement

· Further research to be conducted


A number of interesting remarks were made that require further attention:

· One size fits all should be avoided at all cost. The statement was made that if we individualise treatment, patients cannot be admitted at the same time and be discharged at the same time.

· The duration of treatment should be longer – 3 months being regarded as optimal.

· Reasonable fees, attractiveness and quality of the service can ensure that more people access treatment. (Attractiveness not only refers to the physical infrastructure, but also to the attitude of staff members).

· Voluntary treatment is more effective than compulsory treatment.

· Substance abuse should be declared as specialised field requiring accredited multi-disciplinary professional practitioners. (A White Paper for certification and education of addiction professionals was made available by the Colombo Plan).


The advantage of a conference of this nature is that the attendee is given the opportunity to measure current practices with international trends and standards. In an ever developing and growing field of service, this information is of vital importance.


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